CompSci 290.2
Spring 2018
Web Application Development

All assignments must be turned in by the end of the due date given; if your assignment is received after midnight (i.e., the next day), it is considered late. You are responsible for ensuring that all files are turned in on time, if a program is turned in late the penalty is detailed here.

Projects will be

Thus, you will not "submit" projects as in other CompSci classes. Instead, you will be graded on what is in the master branch of the repository at end of the day the project is due. You are responsible for ensuring that all files are correctly pushed to the repository. We recommend you push your code to your repository on a regular basis (at least daily) to avoid excuses such as "my computer crashed".

All submissions must represent your own work and must include credit for any print or electronic resources used.

You are free to use any plain text editor with which you feel comfortable to complete your work (some recommendations are here).


Labs are done during class, typically Wednesdays, on which you can work by yourself or a partner as proscribed in the assignment. If you miss a class period or need extra time, you can get credit for the lab by turning it in by the end of the day it is given.

  1. GITing Started
  2. CSS Layout
  3. Bootstrap
  4. JavaScript
  5. jQuery
  6. Vue
  7. Node
  8. Mashup


Programming projects are to be done individually, unless otherwise noted.

  1. Introductions
  2. CSS Zen Garden
  3. Responsive List
  4. Game
  5. Image Gallery
  6. Card Based Project Manager
  7. Quiz
  8. Explore a Library

Files to Submit

You should submit only

All code files must include your name. All asset files (images or sounds) must be available to be used and attributed to their original author (even if it is you).

Coding Style

Your web site must display the way you expect in the latest version of Chrome and validate using the W3C validators online:

Additionally, your HTML,5 CSS3, and JavaScript code must be written cleanly and indented appropriately to reflect the structure of the elements you are defining.


Each programming project should include a README file (either plain text or markdown) that includes:

You may also include your impressions of the assignment to help the course staff improve it in the future.

You will lose points on your assignment if it does not include a proper README file.